Marvel Legends Avengers Age of Ultron – Thor, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, Hawkeye 4 pack

I love the new headsculpt on this figure.

Probably the best figure in the set.

Black Widow
Ugh… Super glue residue. Terrible QC… Luckily it’s easily wiped off.
Still doesn’t capture Scarlet Johanson’s look quite right.
Escrima sticks.

Bruce Banner
For some reason, when I see this figure, I keep thinking of wrestling managers…..

“You won’t like me when I’m angry.”

The new headsculpt is good. But I do wish he came with the proper attire based from Age of Ultron.
Also, would it kill you Hasbro to include a freaking arrow!?!?!?

Avengers Assemble!!
