Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Kree Sentinel Wave
Captain Marvel
Nick Fury
Captain Marvel
Grey Gargoyle
Kree Sentinel
Captain Marvel
Carol Danvers gets her own solo movie. Personally I’m not really a fan of Captain Marvel. I never really read any of her adventures but I am glad they changed her outfit to cover up her body. Imagine if they went with the black swimsuit outfit costume for the big screen. Yikes..

As far as the movie goes though, I feel like they took her power levels too far. Once she got past her mental blocks, she basically has no weaknesses, which made a bit dull.
The figure comes with an alternate unmasked head. A very good likeness of actress Brie Larson.

The movie was mostly about sending a message about women empowerment. It was not bad, but I can’t say it falls in my top 10 MCU movies. I liked the message though.
Nick Fury
Ahh… A young Nick Fury. He was the bright spot on this film. I honestly think the movie wouldn’t have worked without having Samuel L. Jackson on board and only featured Captain Marvel going solo.
He comes with a sidearm.

Thanks to movie magic, Samuel L. Jackson was digitally “de-aged” for this movie to match with the 1990s setting.
He also comes with Goose the cat, which turns out to be an alien pet Flerken. It’s really weird it turns out the cat is the reason why Fury looses an eye.
The Flerken can be held like so.

The Skrulls, usually depicted as an invading force in the comics, they’re surprisingly turned around in the movie into refugees and victims of war. Nice plot twist. But personally, I would’ve loved to see Secret Invasion on the big screen.
Talos, who was a cunning Skrull officer in the comics, comes out a hero in his own right in the movie. Sadly, he does not come with any accessories.

Captain Marvel
Looks like Hasbro decided to double down on Carol Danvers for this wave. Seems like a waste of character slot IMHO, wish they based it on one of the comics-based looks instead.
At least we get a nice print on her jacket.
Yeah, I think prefer short-haired versus long-haired Ms. Marvel.

She comes with another version of Goose the cat. Hmm.. scrapping the bottom of the barrel for this wave?
Goose features zero articulation.
With the “chained up” Goose that came with Nick Fury. Makes you wonder what does Nick Fury feed the cat now that he knows it’s an alien??
Spoiler! One of the main antagonists in the film, Yon-Rogg teaches an amnesiac Vers at the start of the movie on how to handle her powers…. and emotions (wait, what emotions??).
He only comes with his pistol. I guess they couldn’t get Jude Law to sign off on getting his likeness for an unmasked head for the figure.
Same as how it was in the movie, in the comics Yon-Rogg is a Kree military commander, likewise in the comics, he also plays a huge part in Carol Danvers’s transformation into Captain Marvel and the latter’s loss of memory after defeating him.
Yeah, the Kree hate Skrulls with a vengeance.
Grey Gargoyle
Paul Pierre Duval is a genius chemist who, from a chemical accident, gains the power to change anything he touches into stone. The accident also causes his body to become living stone.
Originally appearing as a Thor villain, he later joins up with the Masters of Evil to fight the Avengers.
While anything he touches turns to stone, the effect only lasts approximately one hour, then the object returns to normal.
“Tag! You’re it!”
Interestingly, even though he’s a part of this Captain Marvel wave, it seems like he’s never really fought against her? Curious choice to include him in this wave but I guess it’s better than never getting this figure (he was somewhat prominent in the 90s Iron Man cartoons, alongside Whirlwind, so I have fond memories of this villain).

The son of the original Captain Marvel, Mar-vell in the comics, he is the third to hold the name Captain Marvel following his father and Monica Rambeau (Carol Danvers is actually the 7th to hold the name).
He comes in his traditional Kree Soldier costume this time around. The outfit has a holster for his pistol.

Genis is far more powerful than his father (he was created from Mar-vell’s genetic material by his mother, Elysius). He can revive himself from death, give others glimpses into their futures, even teleport and appear across several different dimensions and timelines at the same time. Even manipulate space and time and even teleport himself an others across time. Talk about overpowered.

Kree Sentinel
I have to admit I’m not quite familiar with this one, other than the obvious that it’s part of the Kree Empire. I think one of the Sentinels fought the Fantastic Four once. Not sure if it was this particular model.
He’s nice and big, but from what I understand, this guy is supposed to be bigger. Like X-men Sentinel big. More or less 20 feet tall. I think this would be better paired with Marvel Universe 3.75″ figures.

The purple metallic finish on it looks really good though.

The full wave
