Marvel Legends Crystal and Lockjaw

Crystalia Amaquelin is the sister of Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans and is a princess of the Inhuman Royal family. Exposure to the Terrigen Mist has given her the ability to psionically control the four main elements of earth, wind, water and fire, even change their composition.

The set comes with an alternate head for Crystal. This head offers better articulation and posing than the default head.
Finally! New effects parts from Hasbro! These require removing the hands and plugging them back in though. But they look great once plugged in.

Aside from being able to control the four main elements down to their atomic level, by extension, Crystal is also able to change their composition, such as freezing water into ice and even manipulate the magnetic polarities of metals, as well as combining all of her powers to control the weather in a 30-mile-wide area.
Originally romantically linked to Johnny Storm (the Human Torch), Crystal would eventually be married to Quicksilver and have a daughter named Luna.

More than just a pet to the Inhuman Royal Family, Lockjaw serves as their friend and protector. After exposure to Terrigen Mist, Lockjaw is able to teleport himself and others around him to any point on Earth or on the moon. He can also open up passages between dimensions. While not sentient enough to speak, Lockjaw understands enough to follow commands given by his family.
Lockjaw comes with two versions of his tuning fork.
He also comes with an alternate “neutral” lower facial expression.
While the figure doesn’t sport knee articulation, the set does provide alternate hind legs to allow Lockjaw to sit down.

More often than not, Lockjaw tends to hang out with Crystal more than any other member of the Inhumans.

Overall, pretty good. It’s the first time we’re ever getting Crystal and Lockjaw for the Marvel Legends line and it’s about time! Thankfully the set doesn’t disappoint. I love all the optional parts Hasbro included with this set, plus the introduction of all new effects parts into the line (it’s been almost a 6 or 7 years since we’ve gotten new effects parts in this line).
I guess the only real negative for me here is the default head for Crystal, which tends to have very limited poseability due to her hair, that and that this set is a Hasbro Pulse exclusive (which makes it a bit more expensive in my neck of the woods).
This set was released as a Hasbro Pulse Exclusive.
