Marvel Legends Infinite Series – Guardians of the Galaxy
Star Lord (Peter Quill)
“Space mask” head.
“Purse” …. Lol.. .
Awesome mix tape Vol. 1 (how the hell does it keep running after all these years?? Doesn’t it need fresh batteries now and then?)
The orb (aka infinty stone, aka the Power gem)
Twin blasters
I think the head sculpt is a bit off, not enough brow?
Rocket Racoon
The face kind of looks… expressionless?
With the comic-styled Marvel Legends Rocket
Great details with the tattoos.
Drax comes with his knives.
Knives can be stored in his boots.
With the comic-styled Drax
Ronan-busting space gun (comes with Rocket Racoon)
A definite improvement over the older Hasbro Nova.
Iron Man
Based on when Ironman joined the GOTG team, it is officially called “Space Armor MkIII” . It has the capabilities similar to the Cinematic MK42 (call other armors) and modular components.
Groot stands roughly 9” tall!
The Guardians of the Galaxy
The full wave