Vance Astrovik is a mutant with telekinetic powers. Able to psionically hold and lift large objects with his mind as the hero Justice, Vance is also able to project his powers onto himself to propel his body at great speeds though the air.
Justice’s uniform here is based on his more current look, which looks very different from his early New Warriors days.

Vance’s origins are tied to him meeting an older, alternate Earth version of himself called “Vance Astro”. This chance encounter would trigger the younger Vance’s mutant powers to manifest for the first time and change his life.

Other members of the New Warriors released so far in the Marvel Legends line:
Night Thrasher (Kingpin wave)
Firestar (single release)
Speedball (Controller wave)
Nova (single release)
Rage (Gamerverse Abomination wave)
Darkhawk (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Titus Wave)
Namorita (Void wave)
Scarlet Spider (various)
I really should try to do a New Warriors group shot soon.
Overall, not bad, I guess. While not really high on my Marvel Legends want list, at least we’re getting a new character to help round out the New Warriors team.
I’m glad I waited for this guy to hit clearance at local specialty shops before buying him.
