Marvel Legends – Red Skull Onslaught Wave
Captain America
Agent 13 – Sharon Carter
Demolition Man
Captain America
I never thought we’d see the day that Hasbro would do a classic Captain America, considering all their releases tend to focus on current costume versions of the characters.
Optional “straps” for when equipping the shield on Cap’s back. They don’t actually help hold anything in place though, they’re just there for optics..

“When Captain America throws his mighty shield….”

Then and now..
Cap comes with a pointing hand, so he can boss everybody around. .
“Eh? Whacha say, sonny?”
Cap Wolf… from one of the obscure stories of Cap getting captured and altered into a man-wolf thing back in the 90s. He got better by the end of the story arc…

Agent 13 – Sharon Carter

She’s Cap’s Girlfriend


Marvel’s version of Black Canary, minus the Sonic cry powers.

Her goggles can be removed… nice touch, Hasbro

Another popular Marvel Villain, I hope they make Gargoyle too later on.
Spin Cutter!!!

Another member for the Serpent Society team, hope they make more, so far it’s only Madame Hydra, Constrictor and this happy fella…


The villain with “photographic reflexes”, meaning he can copy the moves of any Super hero.
Not bad but I do miss the cape though.

This look is based on his UDON suit, the suit even has the ability to let him copy the look of his targets.

Demolition Man

Originally, this guy’s appearance was a joke (part yellow Daredevil, part Wolverine mask). Looks like they amped up his game in the Marvel Now books..

Red Skull (in Onslaught armor)

Based on his look during the Axis event where he gained the powers of Professor X and was able to draw the Onslaught armor out for himself.

Supposedly, we’ll be getting a classic Rogue this year which will have the original Onslaught head with her.
Not too bad, I definitely like this look over the old Toybiz “goat legs” design.
The full wave