Marvel Legends Thor Ragnarok – Thor and Valkyrie 2 pack
The figure is basically the one that came with the Ragnarok wave but this a helmetless head. A big part of me thinks they should’ve just added the head as an accessory to the main figure and released Valkyrie with Executioner instead.
He comes with Heimdal’s sword, for opening the Rainbow bridge.

Comparison with the helmeted version.
Thor also comes with lightning effects. Sadly, the effect is a bit too small to be impressive. Thanks Hasbro…
Ohhhh…. sparky…

When they first announced Valkyrie was going to be in the movie, I was expecting something more similar to the comics, still the character came across rather well. I like her better than MCU Jane Foster. Personally though, I would’ve loved it if they made Lady Sif the leading female hero next to Thor in this outing.

She comes with her trusty sword. I think it’s called Dragonfang?
Scabbard for the sword.

Here’s to one of the best Marvel movies I’ve watched in a while.

“Thor and the three unsupportive, insensitive, condescending killjoys.” (see Toon Sandwich’s Ragnarok trailer spoof to get the joke).