Alonzo Thompson “Lonnie” Lincoln is one of New York City’s most notorious crime lords in the Marvel Universe. Adopting the name “Tombstone” on account of all the people he’s killed as he rose through the ranks of the criminal underworld, Lonnie has often crossed paths with heroic vigilantes like Spider-man and Daredevil.

Originally only a regular African-American afflicted with albinism, Tombstone eventually gained powers when he was exposed to experimental mutagenic gas, gaining superhuman levels of strength and reflexes. His body is also able to withstand high caliber gunfire without injury and even survive in areas flooded with toxic gases.
Aside from his powers, Lonnie Lincoln is also an expert in street fighting combat, capable of killing an opponent with just his bare hands, making him a very dangerous foe in close combat quarters.
Admittedly, his suit tends to get in the way of articulation.
Impressively, Tombstone is really tall. Standing at roughly 7” in height.
Hasbro also included a “gun-holding” hand for Tombstone, even though they didn’t include any guns for him.
The set comes with an extra “angry” head for Tombstone.
I love that the figure has an open left hand, which is perfect for grabbing Spidey by the neck.
He comes with a crowbar for bludgeoning foes for an accessory.

The older Tombstone figure from the “Spider-man Homecoming” Vulture Build-a-Figure wave. This figured used the Hyperion body mold.
Overall, definitely a big upgrade over the previous figure, as his “suit” makes this figure look more like Tombstone’s iconic look in the comics. Plus, Tombstone has a special place in my heart as he was the first “modern” villain I read in the Spidey books when I got back into comics back in the late 80s. So I am really happy to have this version of the character in my collection.
Heh, I know I’m super late on this review, as I took my time with getting to this figure since it’s a bit well stocked locally at the malls.
Also, yeah.. I can’t unsee actor Kevin Bacon’s face on this figure for some reason. Lol..