Marvel Legends Tri-Sentinel (partial) wave
Omega Sentinel
Jean Grey Marvel Girl
Moira MacTaggert
Omega Sentinel
Karima Shapandar was once an Indian police officer before being transformed by the villain Bastion into a “Prime Sentinel”, humans that have been transformed into Sentinels to hunt down mutants. After Charles Xavier and Magneto managed to remove her Sentinel programming, Rogue later on asks her to join the X-men.

Omega Sentinel is outfitted with nanite technology, which greatly enhances all her attributes to superhuman levels. She also has flight and regenerative abilities. The electrostatic poles in her forearms allow her to morph them into weapons that can discharge large amounts of electricity and form microwave emitters. She can also do limited control over nearby machines.
She comes with alternate “blaster arms”.
Heh. Red and female “Mega Man”?

Lastly, she comes with an alternate head. Loosely based on when she was possessed by the digital entity known as Malice.

With Nimrod.
In the House of X storyline, it seems her Sentinel programming has resurfaced and she is now working with the Sentinel, Nimrod.
Jean Grey Marvel Girl
Jean Grey is one of the strongest telepaths on the planet, capable of moving even large objects with her mind, as well as reading and controlling the thoughts of others. Her psychic powers surpass even that of Professor X.
This costume is based on her look in the House of X saga, which is loosely based on her original “2nd uniform” as Marvel Girl from the early days of the X-men comics.
Hmm I can’t say this is Hasbro’s best work in the tooling the department, her facial expression just looks so… mopey? There are days I think Hasbro has a team of “lesser” sculptors running around doing mediocre sculpt work when the main sculpting team is super busy and it shows right here.
For some reason, her skirt was casted in “not-so-flexible” plastic, so you can’t really do anything with her from the waist down. Bad QC here, Hasbro.
Jean comes with alternate hands.

Lastly, she comes with the rare plant/ plot device featured in Hickman’s X-men run called the Krakoan Flower that can heal all human ailments and only blooms on the small island nation of Krakoa.
Moira MacTaggert
Originally just a supporting human character who was romantically linked to Professor X in the X-men comics, Moira was more recently revealed to be actually a mutant with reality warping resurrection powers, being reborn every time she dies with her memories from her past lives fully intact, she tries to change the course of mutant history with the knowledge she gains with every lifespan. She is currently on life 10 of her cycle, possibly being her last one as she may only have 10 or 11 lives to live.
She comes with a book (on genetics?) for an accessory for her research.
You can take her apart like a mannequin and reassemble her for her House of X look.

I really wish the cap was removable. I was hoping to make a Lois Lane figure out of her, but I guess that’s not going to work now.
I decided to pass on getting the full set, as I’m not really a House of X fan and I already have my personal “iconic” versions of Prof X, Wolverine, Cyclops and Magneto from the previous releases. I just got the new characters for the sake of having new characters. I also passed on the Theta Sentinel since it hardly appeared in the comic and didn’t do anything.
Maybe if the figures go on clearance later on, I might backtrack this set, but for now, I don’t have any real urge to complete this wave.