Marvel Legends Vintage Series J. Jonah Jameson

John Jonah Jameson is the publisher of the Daily Bugle, a fictional newspaper in the Marvel Universe. Often obsessed with ruining Spider-man’s reputation, Jonah usually frames the hero as a menace, blaming Spidey for everything wrong, only to usually print retractions later on.
I can’t tell if the figure is a new body, but it’s definitely smaller than the standard Marvel Legends figure.
He’s shorter than nerdy high school Peter?
A part of me misses the cigar that this figure should have come with, but I guess Hasbro doesn’t want to encourage smoking, which is a good thing.
I really love the two-toned vest on this figure.
JJJ comes with a rolled up copy of the Bugle.
As well as a fully printed copy too. Nice touch, Hasbro.
Jameson also comes with an alternate pointing right hand, coz that’s what bosses tend to do.
I really love this figure. It was always said this guy was meant to be a shallow, grumpy caricature of Stan Lee on a bad day, back when they were coming up with him, and let’s face it, Spidey just wouldn’t be the same without old JJJ to annoy him publicly 24/7.
Hmmm… I think I should’ve dug out my old Toybiz Spider-man 2 JJJ figure’s desk for this guy, he certainly deserves one.
More recently in the comics, Spider-man finally decided to bury the hatchet with Jonah, unmasking in front of him in “Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man” #6. Jonah decides to make it his life’s mission now to make it up to Peter for all the years of wronging him by doing all he can to promote Spider-man as a hero.

Gee… I wonder if we’ll get a May and Ben Parker 2-pack next???