Marvel Legends X-men ‘97 Bishop

An accidental time-traveler sent back in time from a dystopic future 80 years from now, Lucas Bishop is the commander of a mutant police force called Xavier’s Security Forces and leader of the “Omega Squad”. Bishop first travels back in time to stop the Trevor Fitzroy, an ex-XSE member who manages to create a time portal. Bishop later on tries to help the X-men figure out who the traitor is in their ranks.
The figure seems to be an all-new sculpt. Like the rest of the wave, Bishop’s appearance is based on his updated look in the X-men ’97 animated series.

The large “M” on his face is meant to mark him as a mutant while living in a concentration camp.
Bishop’s mutant power is the ability to store and redirect all forms of energy, even amplifying it from the original absorbed amount.
Hmm.. It seems that the shoulder articulation is hampered by the design pieces on his shoulders.

Bishop comes with his blaster.

Bishop’s gun can be holstered on the back of his left shoulder.
That is one big holster.

The older Bishop figure from the Sauron wave from back in 2019.

Overall, easily the best Bishop we’ve gotten to date. While the design is made to fit in with the cartoon aesthetics of the animated series. I think it goes well enough to fit in with the comics-styled Marvel Legends X-men figures for group shots. I really like the cleaner aesthetics of the sculpt here compared to the previous release. I think it’s a big improvement.
Too bad the shoulder pads tend to get in the way of posing the arms, plus the lack of any real accessories is a huge bummer, but I would still pick this as my “go to” Bishop in the X-men line.
