McFarlane Batman Forever Batman

Orphaned as a young boy, Millionaire (Billionaire?) Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to fighting crime. Honing his body and mind to physical peak, Bruce also uses his vast fortune to fund Batman’s vehicles and gadgets to gain the upper hand against his criminal adversaries.
Based on Batman’s Batsuit “with sonar modifications” from the third act of Batman Forever, Batman dons his only remaining undamaged uniform after the Batcave is infiltrated and attacked by Riddler and Two-Face.
This figure is a redeco of the Sonar figure that came with the Ultimate Batman 6-pack from a year prior. Featuring additional black deco on the cowl, gloves and boots. It’s actually a bit annoying as it does not match the deco scheme of the promotional material for this figure (it was more all black as opposed to mixed black and metallic blue).

I can’t say I like the metallic finish material they used. The suit should be matte.. not glossy. This actually reminds me of the old Kenner nonsensical decos for Batman back in the day.
Just like the Ultimate 6-pack release, this set comes with a cloth cape for Batman. Too bad they didn’t upgrade it to have have wires running down the sides like the Christian Bale Dark Knight Batman figure.

At least the sculptors got actor Val Kilmer’s jawline right.

Toe articulation
While I wasn’t a big fan of director Joel Schumacker’s neon-crazy take on the Batman films, I do have to admit I really liked the action scenes in the movie, we actually get to see Batman take down several thugs multiple times in the movie.

For accessories, thankfully, this version of Batman comes with more gear than usual. Naturally, he comes with the display base/ foot stand.
Bat gadgets
He comes with a standard Batarang.
He also comes with the sonar Batarang which he threw at the end of the movie to destroy Riddler’s giant machine.

Next, Batman comes with his grapnel launcher, which he actually used while wearing the Panther suit in the opening act of the movie (where he used the grapnel line to lower the bank vault back into the building with the security guard)

Lastly, the set comes with the head section of the “Nightmare Bat” Build-A-Figure for this wave, as seen in the finale scene in the Batman Forever movie after Ridder’s defeat. Since I have no intention of completing this wave (I might get Robin, we’ll see), this figure is never going to get built (for me, anyways). Lol…
The Nightmare Bat’s jaw opens up.
Also included is the display base for the Build-A-Figure.
Overall, not too shabby. But I would have preferred getting a figure with the exact same deco as in the promotional material, as opposed to this. I actually also would’ve preferred getting a Batman figure based on the earlier part of the movie (called the “Panther Suit”), which had more closely resembled the Michael Keaton Batsuit, since Batman was never seen wearing his sonar suit while next to the Batmobile in the movie.

Batman: I have a riddle for you. I see without seeing. To me, darkness is as clear as daylight. What am I?”