Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Batman ’66 Batcave

Fully expanded, the “cave” backdrop spans roughly 28 inches in length.
“Atomic pile” power source for the Batcave

Computers, filing cabinets, desks and even a “radar tracking” system. Not bad….
Big, round, cardboard “lazy Susan” for “rotating” the Batmobile really adds a certain touch to completing the look for the Batcave.
While I love the budget-friendly price of this playset, it does feel a bit cheap in some ways thanks to the poor quality paper and print of the stickers for the props. I wish McFarlane used better grade paper or something to make this set really blow folks away.
A big part of me also wishes we were the ones that applied the stickers ourselves. The sheer amount of skewed sticker placement is really annoying.
Another big disappointment for me are the bat-poles here. They look really cheap and tend to be bent right out of the box. I wonder if applying a coat of gold paint will improve it?
I didn’t get any of the Mcfarlane Batman ’66 figures or their Batmobile, as I already have the older Mattel ones, but I think this will be a perfect fit for the latter. Too bad I didn’t have the time to dig them out of storage to do a proper photoshoot with this set. I guess that’s something I’ll have revisit with this set down the road.

Overall, an amazing set! The price is really surprising (costs about the same price as a 6” Batman Bike vehicle?) and if you don’t look too closely at the cheaply-printed stickers, this set looks really good as a diorama set piece for the 1966 Batman figures from any toy line. I think this is probably the best diorama piece I’ve bought in a long time that felt satisfying for the price.
