McFarlane DC Multiverse Superman

McFarlane’s first attempt at making a Superman figure, I have to say, I like what they did with this figure in terms of overall sculpt. It looks really good and captures the iconic look of the hero.

I really love the shade of blue on this figure a lot!
The figure also sports some soft ratchets on almost all of its joints.
I can’t say I’m too happy with they way they went about designing the mid-torso joint. The way it cuts across the torso looks really bad.
Another thing I’m not too wild about is how the wrist joints are so very exposed here. It kinda ruins the look of the figure.
The rocker ankle joint is also very unique, providing a wide range of articulation. There’s also toe articulation on the foot.
McFarlane went with a seven inch scale for this new line. I really wish they went with six inches so it can scale better with Hasbro’s lines. Superman actually is taller than 7 inches.
A flight stand is included with this figure.
Slotting the display stand to the base takes some getting used to.
Soft ratchets are present on the joints of the display arm as well.
The base also has a foot peg so you can display the figure without the flight stand arm.

Up. up and away!

World’s Finest
Sigh… that smaller head on Batman really stands out.

A very eye-catching figure on any shelf thanks to the sculpt work on the “S” and head, plus beautiful shades of red and blue.