Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Legacy Megazord 25th Anniversary Reissue

I missed out on this way back, I’m not really a huge Sentai fan (short of Bioman), but this series did start off a whole new thing so I suppose it counts as iconic. 🙂
Lol… not for kids? Just because of the diecast???
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord

Pterodactyl Dinozord (no diecast)

Mastodon Dinozord

Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord

Triceratops Dinozord

Go Go Power Rangers!!
Attack Tank mode

Megazord weighs 779 Grams.
From what I understand, the original version did not have diecast parts, not even the Japanese version. So this is a first. Diecast parts are in the biceps and thighs of the Megazord and in the tails of the Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord and Triceratops Dinozord.
Interestingly, the shoulder cannons cannot be attached to the Megazord’s fists, unlike in the show.

I’ll stop here since I don’t plan to complete the reissue line.