Revoltech Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo

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Revoltech Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo

Hoo boy… I missed out on the Revoltech TMNT when they launched a while back. Prices have shot way up since then, plus bootlegs spawned all around too.

Luckily Kaiyodo saw the demand and reissued the line. This time in new packaging. Thank you, Kaiyodo!

The Revo TMNT sport eye articulation, by turning the bandanas, you also change the direction of the eyes. You can also spin the pupils totally out of sight to simulate “ninja mode” like in the cartoons (sorry I forgot to take a pic of this feature).

Articulated fingers. Nice!

Leonardo’s the leader in blue, does anything it takes to get his ninjas through.

Comparison with the Playmates toys version.

He also comes with a display base for action poses.

Alternate “surprised” head.

Last but not least, a full pizza (see Bandai? This is how it’s done)

The best part about this pizza is that each slice can be removed from the tray. Also, note that each slice has a different peg shape to lock onto. It’s clever.

One small complaint here, the box says 2 free posters inside. It wasn’t until I opened it up that I realized it was referring to the comic where this artwork was copied from. I wish Kaiyodo noticed that. They might get sued for false advertising.


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