Robot Spirits No. 280 Gundam 0083 Gundam RX-78 GP03S Ver A.N.I.M.E.

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Robot Spirits No. 280 Gundam 0083 Gundam RX-78 GP03S Ver A.N.I.M.E.

The central controlling machine of the massive assault unit Gundam Dendrobium, the GP03S (Stamen) is the last Gundam unit we see in the 0083 Stardust Memory OVA series.

Interestingly, the unit does NOT have the conventional twin head vulcans incorporated into its design. Instead, the space was used to add more sensors for the machine to function more effectively in combat while in the Orchis.

Vernier effects included.

You can also attach the effects parts onto the Tail Binders on the sides, but I didn’t bother since it involved swapping pieces out before you can plug the effects in.

One of the unique characteristics of this Gundam unit is that it has folding arms so it can reach the weapon containers from the Orchis, as seen in the OVA.

Folding shield.

Same as with the GP-01’s shield, this one has hardpoints that can hold spare E-Pacs cartridges for the beam rifle. An improvement here is that it can now hold 4 E-Pacs instead of the standard 2.

Beam Sabers are stored in the unit’s backpack pylons.

“Slashing” beam saber effects parts included.

XBR-BOWA M-82A Beam Rifle

While visually identical to the one used by the GP01/ GP01-Fb, this version of the Beam Rifle for GP03 has improved energy and damage output.

Like the previous beam rifles for the GP series, this one also features a jutte for blocking enemy beam saber attacks.

Sigh.. like an idiot, I forgot to take photos of the beam effects parts that are included in this set. I guess I’ll have to backtrack this later on one day.

Just a quick note, the set does NOT come with a Soul Stage display stand. I had to use one of the cheap third party display stands for the action shots (“tamasii stands”, knock offs of the Bandai Soul Stage)

Folding Bazooka

Usually stored in the Orchis weapon compartments, each bazooka can hold up to six rounds of ammo, plus a seventh in the chamber.

It’s a shame the set comes with only one Folding Bazooka, so you can’t do “double bazooka” poses.

“Men of Destiny!” (man, I can’t get that song out of my head)

With its brother units

Somehow, the packaging still seems lacking and uninspired even when they’re all together. I also sort of wish there was some uniformity in size for the Robot Spirit series boxes, at least as far as connected figures go.

Overall, a pretty good release. It comes with all the bells and whistles you’d expect of a Robot Spirits GP03S release without the Orchis component. However, I do wish it came with two bazookas instead of just one. It does look great by itself, but somehow it just feels incomplete without the Orchis armed base to “complete” the Gundam Dendrobium. I wonder if Bandai will release Orchis later on? I am glad that I still have the MSIA version from 2001, too bad I didn’t have time to break that out and pair with this figure.

For more technical data on this machine, go here:


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