S.H. Figuarts Gotenks

Sigh… so, this guy. Honestly, Gotenks is one of the lesser DBZ characters for me. I never really liked Kid Trunks and Goten and this character is doubly obnoxious. That said, given the choice I would’ve liked the Super Saiyan 3 version of this figure better, as for the most of the series, that’s the form he usually appears in after he learned how to do it.

I love this “duh” face expression accessory. It’s a nice add on, not that it could’ve come with anything else, really. Gotenks didn’t really do much in the DBZ series, other than fill air time.

Galactic Donut
Well, it’s been a while since Bandai included a Soul Stage with their mass retail releases. It’s nice to see they still do once in a while.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
It’s a shame Gotenks only comes with one ghost, he can make up to 10 max in some of the games. But usually it’s 4. The ghost explodes upon contact with anything, even fellow ghosts. lol.
“Hey! Hey!”