S.H. Figuarts / Marvel Legends Sofa set

A knock-off, bootlegged copy of the sofa set that came with the S.H. Figuarts Mark XLII (42) Armor from Iron Man 3. This thing costs around only $10 USD and is actually pretty nice as a display piece for dioramas. I was trying to find one ever since before I did my Hall of Armor diorama shot, but only found this thing recently.
The throw pillows are actually one whole piece with hollow backsides, while the sofa itself has a hollow bottom.
Sigh.. since it is a knock-off, the quality isn’t that perfect. You will have to deal with stuff like this terrible cut on the plastic. I guess it can be easily sanded down though.
Since it’s actually meant for S.H. Figuarts figures, the scale is a bit off, particularly for the newer Marvel Legends figures that run a scale above 6”, but I still think it works great and will fit right in with the Hall of Armor setup I plan to do one day, plus for a measily $10 bucks, you can’t really go wrong with it.
