Sentinel MetamorForce Dino Getter 1

Lol.. “Happy Getter”.
Getter Tomahawk

Getter Scythe (blades are extracted from the wings and attached to the post)

This pose is a bit unstable, but it’s the only way to get him to pose it.

Double Scythe!

Dino mode

Whoa… tiny legs
It can stand even in dino mode. .
Comparison with Sentinel x T-rex Getter One.
You can even place Getter One’s cape on it by just removing the head from the neck ball joint.

Quick notes:
-Diecast parts include
–Toes and feet
–Sides of the lower legs
–Thighs (?)
-Weighs 264 Grams and stands roughly 7” (counting the highest tips on the wings)
-No extra hands. All we get are the default hands.
-Wings attach via backpack clips.
Overall, not bad but nowhere near as good as the x Trex Getters IMHO. It’s a shame they don’t share the same joint system. Also, the wings don’t fold back as much I would’ve liked.
Most of all, I would’ve loved it more if it was white like the Getter One, I guess they were going for a “fossil white” color to go with the Dino motif. Still, if you’re a fan of Getters, this is one of those rare opportunities that we’re going to get Getters One to Three. .
