Sentinel X T-Rex 02 – Black Getter 1

I was totally on the fence with this, but after hearing a lot of good things about it and seeing how high the price has shot up on secondary markets, coming across one still at SRP was too good to pass up.
The matte finish really looks great.

Getter Wing!

Wires inside the cape make poses look more dramatic!

Sharp points!

Getter Tomahawk

Double Tomahawk

Getter Beam removable cover.

Getter Beam!
One downside for me is the belt is made of some sort of soft material. I don’t mind since it prevents the upper section from scratching, but I can’t help but wonder if it will become sticky over time?

Comparison with the Aoshima Black Getter One.
Display base

Optional smaller clips for the claw on the bottom of the base.

Some notes
-Sentinel Black Getter One weighs roughly 234 Grams with the cape on and 221 Grams without. Aoshima Black Getter one is 429 Grams without the cape.
-Diecast parts include mostly the legs, the internal joints and the torso ( I think)
-Joint system is very well done! Extending joints add for more poseability,
-Manual is a bit lackluster. Just one page? In black and white to boot!
-That moving/expanding chest plate gimmick is a nice touch.
-There’s a really cool chain accessory for “linking” the two Tomahawks. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the image. I’ll try to take a new image soon.
redFATAL FLAW ALERT!!!!![/B][/COLOR] DO NOT attempt to pry open the cover for the pegs so you can load the Black Getter onto the display base arm. It just won’t come off. I tried and after 3 attempts, the plastic shattered on me! And I was just using my bare fingers. Tsk….

Overall, not bad, the cape and great joints really made this stand out. A bit pricey but I think I got my money’s worth, considering I got this at SRP. But if I had to pay the crazy Ebay prices for this thing, no, I don’t think it would be worth it.
