SH Figuarts Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael

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SH Figuarts Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael

Back in the old days, Raphael was my favorite Turtle. Smart-allecky and wise-cracking. He was the guy with the puns, sort of reminded me of Spider-man. Sadly, in the later seasons, they dialed him back and all 4 of the Turtles became one and the same in terms of personality (boring).

Raph comes with his trademark weapons, the sais.

Sais can be sheathed on his back but require swapping out the belts.

Alternate head

Raphael’s alternate weapons include a shuriken and kunai, both of which I don’t ever recall him using in the show. Wacky….

Personally I think I would’ve preferred another slice of pizza accessory than these ninja weapons. But that’s just me.

Like his brothers, Raphael weighs 164 Grams.

… the cool but rude dude.


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