Soul of Chogokin 40th Anniversary Gx-01R Mazinger Z
Hmm.. So Bandai is adding Japanese paper in now eh? To keep things dry I presume?
Pileder On!

Lol… mold reuse…
Rocket Punch!
Missile punch!

Breast Fire!
Mazinger’s first flight (just like in the Anime, using the missiles from the Aphrodai A set).
Scrander Cross!
Mazinger’s Hover Pileder is modified into the Jet Pileder.
New weapon upgrades.
Iron Cutters
Drill Missiles
Scrander Cutter
Southern Cross Knives
Display base.

With the Original Gx-01

With the Gx-01R

With the Gx-01R+
Hover Pilder (the + doesn’t come with the Jet Pileder)
Mazingers (40th on the left)

All together

Weighs 320 Grams and 344 Grams (with Scrander)
I’m glad they didn’t go all “candy colors” with the red. Plus the black pearl finish is really good, it looks like the type of paint they use for cars.
Hmm… Smoke finish is far more prominent here than on the Gx01R+, depending on your tastes, that can be a good or a bad thing.
The metallic blue finish is a bit lighter than the Gx-01R+
(40th Anniversary) Mazinger Z and Aphrodai A
