Soul of Chogokin Update
Ever since the SOC line slowed to a literal crawl (one release per year?) It seemed like it was finally high time to backtrack and get extras of some of the more awesome combiners. It took around over a year of slowly building and amassing a second set due to careful budget balancing.

I never thought I would actually pull the trigger and get seconds of these guys, but after seeing some great displays in Hong Kong and online of the Super Robots posed combined and seperate, it seemed like the right thing to do.
Godmars was by far the most expensive backtrack, the price jumped 100%, followed by Daltanious. I’m still on the fence as to whether I should get another Dygenguar and Aussensseiter, along with Zambot. I’m definitely passing on extra Iron Gear and Daitarn 3, as I don’t like the alternate modes of those two. I’d also like to get a second GX-31V, but dang prices are nuts these days.
I didn’t have enough time to go digging out the Voltes and Daimos from storage, perhaps next time.
GX-13 Dancougar

GX-40 Godmars

GX-50 Combattler V

GX-59 Daltanious

GX-60 God Sigma
GX-61 Daioja
Funny thing, I remember coming across one forum site where their members (I think they were Italian or some other nationality?) actually have 3-4 “copies” of each combiner.
1 for displayed combined
1 for displayed seperate
1 for guest to fiddle with
1 to keep MISB.