Hard to believe it’s been 40 years since Go Nagai created Mazinger Z. His original concept for Mazinger was called Energer Z and Koji would ride up Mazinger’s back to get control of the giant robot. Go Nagai later revamped it into the Mazinger Z we all know and love.
To commemorate 40 Years of Go Nagai, Japan recently held an Expo in his honor, a lot of exclusive items were on sale and one of these was the SOC Gx07E Energer Z, a retool of the old OVA Mazinger Z Gx07.
Comes with everything shown.
Koji rides up Energer’s back

Just like the previous OVA Maz, this figure can swivel its hips and the upper torso can tilt back for the Breast Fire pose.
Breast Fire!
Display Stand
Try as I can, I can’t get Koji’s bike to stand up without plugging it into the display base. Also, Koji seems to be lacking any sculpted facial features.
Comparison with the GX07 OVA Mazinger.
