Spin Master Batman the Caped Crusader Batmobile

To remove from the tray, you need to tear along the underside of the box perforation and then rotate the holders clockwise to release the vehicle. You can place the vehicle back to the tray by turning the holders counter-clockwise.

Originally meant for Spin Master’s 12″ DC figures, this vehicle actually works very well for 6″ scale figures as well.
The headlights are painted yellow. A part of me wishes they were clear yellow plastic to make them look more fancy.
Remember to remove this small piece of rope that helps hold down the canopy.
Very roomy in there, plus there is some sculptwork for a “seat” too.

Too bad there’s no steering wheel or dashboard console for it though. Oh, well….

With the canopy down, you can hardly tell Batman’s inside.

Overall, it’s a great toy to get, it compliments the 6″ figure line almost perfectly. It certainly looks better than the old Mattel Batman 6″ Batmobile. Best of all, it’s not pricey. Highly recommended if you’ve got 6″ Batman figures with no rides.
