Well… here’s something I thought I would never do. I finally jumped in and got a few Star Wars figures and vehicles. Given how much these movies influenced pop culture, it didn’t seem right not to have figures of them.
I’ve been building these up slowly over the past few months(what really drove me was getting the Millenium Falcon) I’ll keep them MOC / MISB until the day when my kids grow up and can appreciate them, that’s when we’ll pop open these suckers.
Admittedly, I’m only a fan of the original Trilogy. So that’s where I’ll draw the line with this seemingly endless toyline.
Star Wars Black 3.75” Darth Vader
Star Wars Black 3.75” Yoda
Star Wars Black 3.75” Dagobah Luke Skywalker
2018 update.
Well, The Last Jedi has come and gone. I did not like it at all. But I figured I might as well get Rey since she’s the only bright spot in this dismal new direction of the franchise (that, and my daughter likes her a lot).
