Super Robot Chogokin ChoRyuJin

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Super Robot Chogokin ChoRyuJin

I was really hoping that HoRyu and EnRyu would be released before Choryujin did.
That said, I’m glad Bandai released the Choryujin with the ability to do “Symmetrical Out” for some mix match fun with Gekiryujin when he rolls out.

Symmetrical Docking!!


Double Guns!


Choryujin comes 3 variations of his chest plate. The smallest one is for making additional poses that require his shoulders to be closer together, like for holding the Eraser Head.

For the Shield pose you will need to tack on the additional rifle extensions for added length.

Mirror Coating-equipped Shield plate

Eraser Head!

For some reason, I can’t seem to get the right hand to hold the Eraser Head properly, even if I use the one with the peg for the removable hole in the Eraser Head. As a result, I’m not sure if Choryujin can hold the Eraser without the support stand.

Eraser Head 999!

A Word of Caution
The fist pegs are a new design, swapping fists can be a pain. When I first tried it, the other end came out with the fist, so I tried removing from that end. It resulted in the peg itself flipping out and flying across the room. Lol. I spent a half hour searching frantically for the darn thing !

Lesson learned… when swapping the fists (or removing the fist peg), do it in a closed area. Trust me, it’s very hard to find the peg due to the tiny size if it starts flying off again. I’m just happy they used light-colored plastic and not black. Otherwise it would’ve been much harder to find.


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