Toynerd Hobbies Acrylic Super Robot Busts

Here’s a little trinket I ordered from at Toynerd Hobbies, a local toy seller who also does some acrylic work.
This time around it’s an acrylic mini-bust that has an LED light up base.

Depending on your taste, the color of the LED can be modified with whichever plastic strip color you want.

Each display roughly spans 4″ wide by 5″ tall.
The effect isn’t that great with the room lights on.
But it gets better with dimmed light.
It finally pops with all lights off. Not too shabby.
The LEDs colors can be changed to various colors by swapping around the different light bars.

Aside from Voltes V, they also have Daimos, Mazinger Z and Grendizer. Each figure is priced roughly $20

You can contact them at their Facebook page for more details: