Toys-Box Iron Man 1/12 acrylic Hall of Armor Marks I-VII

Each unit is marked with a number, so you know which case for which Iron Man Mark armor you’re getting. There are 7 in total, not counting the extra one for the huge Igor armor.
Each Hall of Armor unit is made from acrylic, so there will be a layer of protective paper to peel off. The bad news is, the paper can fragment since the are a lot of line cuts in the design, particularly the back panel of the housing. So completely stripping off all the paper covering per unit takes about 20-25 minutes, multiply that by 7 and you’ve got a lot of work to do. I had to get some help from my wife and her brother to speed up this process.
Fully assembled each Hall of Armor will span roughly 8.75 x 4.5 x 4 inches in dimension.
Each hall comes with a display base for holding the figures inside.
Be warned, do NOT place multiple Hall of armors on a glass shelf. These things are heavy! Each unit weighs 735 grams! Multiply that by 7 halls for a diorama and that might break a glass shelf.
The power supply outlet for the adaptor line is located on the upper left corner on the back of each unit.
Each set comes with a scratch-free wipe cloth, this is your new best friend, as you will need at least one to help you clean off dust on the acrylic panels.
Power on!

Admittedly, the dangling power line can be a bit unsightly if not tucked away properly.
With Marvel Legends Mark I armor from the 2-pack with Tony Stark.

I really recommend equipping the front clear acrylic panel, it has a light that shines through it and adds a whole new dimension of light to the chamber.

Without the panel (any panel, with etching or otherwise), the lighting effect just doesn’t hit quite right.

To properly insert the panel, simply press your thumb up the panel to lift it upwards.
While having a small screwdriver help position the lower edges of the panel into the proper canals.
As I mentioned before, each chamber has a specific armor etching, You can order up to Mark VII (Avengers movie armor) to recreate the diorama from Iron Man 3. You can also opt to order a plain “no-etching” panel instead, which saves you about 2 bucks (USD), but for the amount of details on the etching, the 2 bucks are worth it.

Mark I
Mark II
Mark III
Mark IV
Mark V
Mark VI
Mark VII
Fun details on the etching as well.

The Hall of Armor can be configured to stack on top of each other, no problem. Do note that there are NO locks to hold them in place. So I would recommend stacking these up to 3 layers high only to prevent accidents.

Overall, I love it! I was originally planning to build a proper Hall of Armor for my Iron Man figures, but the S.H. Figuarts ones were too pricey for what they were offering and then I came across these units. Perfect for the price! I really recommend checking these out over at HobbizToyBox on Facebook. As far as I know, they’re the only store that brought this third party item in locally. Each Hall of Armor chamber costs about $40 USD and are very well worth it. The official S.H. Figuarts Hall of Armor units cost more and do less (no etching, weak LEDs) so the Toys Box units really have more bang for the buck.