Transformers Combiner Wars Deluxe Class Blades

In the G1 continuity, he’s the “bad boy” of the group. Which kind of explains his angry face sculpt.

Comparison with Alpha Bravo… well, at least the heads are different…

Transformers Combiner Wars Deluxe Class Rook

The “newbie” is the team’s strategist.
Comes with capture claw
I’m not sure how I feel about the design of this guy though. Seems kinda awkward for him to have cannons for fists.

Transformers Combiner Wars Deluxe Class First Aid

Anyone else find it weird he’s a medical bot and he comes with an axe?
“Time to operate” .

First Aid shares certain similarities with OffRoad, it’s pretty clever how they thought about doing this. Just like Motor Master and Prime, they share certain similarities in the design and some of the parts, but it’s impressive how the little differences make up a totally different bot. Smart moves Has/Tak. .

Transformers Combiner Wars Deluxe Class Streewise

Gotta love a bot who carries a shotgun. .

Streetwise shares some similarities with Dead End
