Transformers Devastator Upgrade Kit from Junkion Blacksmith – JB-07

I decided to grab this version of the upgrade kit instead of the other ones for various reasons, primarily because it looks more toon accurate in terms of the thigh colors and the crotch on the X-Transbots version looked wrong…. Really….really wrong. While the Crazy Devy one was insanely expensive.
Head (comes with 2 heads)
Chest plate
The gun also comes with attachments for the new fist (the attachement-less one is for the default Encore fist)
Mixmaster’s mixer

It’s a definite improvement but it’s not quite perfect yet.
Mainly due to Scrapper, the balance is a bit off when you spread the legs.
Also, Long Haul’s flatbed tends to fall a lot when in combined form.
Cartoon accurate head.

Alternate head.

Light piping of the eyes is available through the back of both heads.