Transformers Earthrise Galactic Odyssey Collection Botropolis Rescue Mission

Missile Master
Leader of the Astro Squad, Missile Master is a control freak, fussing over everything and always contemplating how the last mission could’ve been done better. His cyclonic steel armor coating makes him impervious to energy based attacks.
Missile Master is a redeco of Decepticon Micromaster Power Punch.
Laidback and mellow, Moonrock is the opposite of this Micromaster Combiner partner. Lacks drive and ambition, dislikes fighting. This Autobot seems out of place compared to his more driven teammates on the Astro Squad.
Moonrock is a redeco of Decepticon Micromaster Direct-hit.

Fuzer (Phaser)
The second-in-command of the Astro Squad, Fuzer is something of a perfectionist and triple checks everything before executing a mission.

Blast Master (Payload)
Blast Master is a redeco from his mass retail release version. Eager and enthusiastic, the young Autobot tends to be a little reckless.

The shuttle connects with a redeco of Doubledealer’s rocket that comes with the set.
A redeco of the mass retail version, Overair is a Modulator, and can transform into multiple configurations.
I really love the colors of Overair here. The darker grays suit the gold and blue well.

Airbase mode

A redeco of Ironworks from the mass retail version, the white and blue really work for this figure, better than the black and yellow of the mass release version IMHO.

He still comes with his right hook hand.

Gun emplacement tower mode (this mode was only revealed in the instructions in this set).

Communications tower mode

Platform for Micromasters.
Construction base mode

I really love the little tampographed details here.

Rocket base mode

Lol.. so the rocket plugs into Overair’s roof.
The A.I.R. (Adaptable Interconnection Retrofitter) Lock System comes together nicely here.

Last but not least, this all comes together really well with Sky Lynx, as the new colors are meant to compliment Sky Lynx’s base mode.

You can customize the layout however you like, but I decided to go with this one, as the base positions would seem better and more fortified.

Overall, I enjoyed this set. The recolors really work well together and I’m always a sucker for base building concepts! Too bad it’s another exclusive (Amazon) so it never saw the light of day at mass retail locally. Now I’m thinking if I should get a spare Sky Lynx just to have the whole Rocket Base set permanently displayed.