Transformers Encore 22 Twincast with Stripes and NightStalker

Comparison with the TF Collection E-Hobby Twincast.
-Painted on “stickers”
-more paint detail on the legs
-gold face instead of plain silver
-blue eyes instead of yellow
-Autobot symbol on chest plate
-whiter shade of plastic for the legs
-neither version has any diecast parts
-Flipsides (Decepticon spy) is only available with the Collection version

Stripes and Nightstalker

Nightstalker hails from the Marvel UK comics and was Ravage’s partner back in the pre Autobot-Decepticon war era. Stripes was supposed to be introduced in the TF 1984 movie, but was written out and replaced with Ramhorn, according to the TF Wiki site.
The Encore 22 team
Twincast team
Interesting note, for the Twincast cassettes, you can clearly make out Scorponok on the tape side. While the Soundblaster tapes have Fortress Maximus on them, supposedly revealing “weak points”. Hmmm.. foreshadowing of upcoming Encore??? 🙂