Transformers Fansproject Crossfire 2 – Bruticus upgrade parts
Crossfire 2 A – Explorer and 2 B – Munitioner
Explorer (aka Blast Off)
In his bio, Explorer is credited for the creation of the Colossus Project (aka Bruticus), unfortunately, the power was too much for the original Colossus and it went on a rampage, destroying its own arm and leg. “Explorer” had to merge with the second Colossus to “stabilize” the brain functions of the giant. Explorer is also named as the team’s leader (not Onslaught.. hmmm)
The Shuttle mode’s dorsal fin becomes his sword.

Beam Machine gun can be equipped.
Surprisingly, Fansproject even gave this guy ankles. Nice touch.

Beam machine gun can be equipped (as can the grenade launcher).
