Transformers Masterpiece Fanstoys FT-15 Willis (3rd Party Masterpiece Hound)

Willis/Hound comes with a LOT of accessories.
Bag 1 contents.
Bag 2 contents
Also included is a sticker sheet for customizing license plates.
Fans Toys also put an alternate “toon-accurate” head in. The default head is based on the G1 toy look.
I decided to finally jump and grab Willis since he’s the only green Autobot in the ranks and I love his colors as it provides great contrast next to the other Masterpieces. Ironically, about a month after I picked this guy up, Takara reveals their official MP Hound. Ah well, no regrets. This figure is still a very good and well-crafted toy.
Similar with Phoenix, I added an Autobot symbol sticker on Willis.
The transformation isn’t so hard with this one. There are some tricky spots (getting the hood of the jeep to land flush for one) but no major headaches like with Phoenix/Jetfire.
Willis isn’t a “perfect” transformer, as you have to add the spare tire and gas cans separately as accessories to the vehicle mode.
His shoulder weapon can also be attached to his vehicle mode via the optional post attachment included in bag 2.
Willis weighs 269 Grams and stands 6.5 inches tall (7.5 inches counting the top of his shoulder rocket).
Willis has decent amounts of diecast, in his legs, feet and chest.
He also comes with a “scuba” face cover, based on the Sherman Dam scene from “More Than Meets The Eye” episode 2. The plate is a bit tricky to slap on but it can be done.
Last but not least, he comes with his iconic “hologram gun”.
Overall, I really love this figure. It looks great, has good amounts of diecast (something I wish the official MP Autobot cars all had) and the transformation isn’t too hard. Another great release from Fans Toys. Admittedly, if I had known sooner that Takara was releasing an official version I would’ve skipped this, but since I already have it, no regrets here.
