Transformers Masterpiece MP-41 Beast Wars Dinobot

To return to tray this is how his legs are supposed to look.
Dinobot’s alt mode is a Velociraptor.
You can change his eye emotions, with a simple flip, very cool.

Dinobot also features a tongue in dino mode.
Dinobot was easily one of the most interesting characters on the show, originally working for Megatron as a Predacon, he switched sides upon arriving on Earth, joining the Maximals and eventually giving up his life to save the early human race from extinction.

Dinobot features 4 different heads, (serious, smirking, smiling, growling), all 4 faces feature a moving jaw so you can open his mouth.

One of the faces (growling) has clear eye lenses to allow for light up eyes feature. This feature requires 2x LR44 batteries (batteries not included) to be installed into the back of his head. It has been reported that for some reason, this figure drains out batteries faster than usual, as little as 2 days, even when not in use. The LEDs are very powerful though.

The LEDs time out at around 10-12 seconds (I think it’s really 10 seconds, it just takes the extra 2 seconds to “fade out”)
Incredibly, they also included the eye beam effects for Dinobot.
To change the color of his eyes from red to green, just tap the on button twice to toggle the LEDs from red to green.
Dino Saber
To equip Dinobot’s weapons, you have to plug them into his wrists.

Cyber Shield
The shield is actually his tail.

Dino Saber can be equipped onto his Cyber Shield. As a throwback to the vintage toy, the shield can spin, but it’s lacking the spring mechanism to make it spin semi-automatically.
His weapons can be “stored” on his back like a backpack.
You have to pop this hinge out first though.
The Golden Disk (stand included)

The disc was an ancient object in the Beast Wars cartoons and its theft was what triggered the entire Beast Wars. The contents are never fully revealed but it secretly carries a message from G1 Megatron on how to use Transwarp technology to change events in the past to alter the future (presumably). The disk was destroyed before the full message could be ever played.

To equip the disk on Dinobot in Velociraptor mode, you will need the adaptor and plug it into his hand in both modes.

Display base
To attach Dinobot to the display base, you will need to put adapters onto the figure. (they remind me of diapers actually.. lol. )

With the Maximals.

Dinobot stands roughly 9 inches tall and weighs 344 Grams. I couldn’t find any diecast on this figure, but I think there’s supposed to be some somewhere..? Not 100% sure about this.
By comparison, Optimus Primal and Cheetor weigh 194 and 121 Grams respectively.
Overall, it’s not too shabby. Transformation can be very tricky though as the manual isn’t quite clear image-wise and it’s difficult to get a feel of what you’re trying to accomplish as it’s not as clear cut as the usual “vehicle” forms. The features are great (love the different eyes on the dino mode), the LEDs on the eyes are very powerful and the figure is quite big. The scale is perfect for the other MP Beast Wars crew. If you’re completing the Beast Wars MP figures, this is good addition to the lineup.
The only downside for me is that the figure can be top heavy in robot mode and tends to fall over due to the ankle joints not being tight enough (it fell over twice during my photoshoot). I kind of wish there was some diecast in this figure given that he’s one of the bigger MP figures out there. There’s also a report that the shoulder ratchets tend to break if you’re not careful. Lubricating the joint is supposed to solve this though.
