Transformers Masterpiece MP-42 Cordon

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Transformers Masterpiece MP-42 Cordon

Similar to Sunstreaker, this figure comes with spare side view mirrors, just in case you break the default ones during transformation.

Also, just like Sunstreaker, Cordon’s vehicle mode is a custom Lamborghini Countach LP500S and it features the ability to convert the rear electronic propulsion engine into the car for a more realistic alt mode, plus the rear combination tail-lights can also be modified into either realistic or cartoon modes. The doors and hood of the vehicle mode open, and the front headlights can pop up. The license plate “CR 03” is a reference to the vintage Diaclone version which was designated Car Robots #03.

How Cordon’s arms are supposed to look when transforming him into vehicle mode.

lol… I almost had a heart attack when the windshield fell off, I thought I had broken it. Turns out it’s supposed to fall out in case you have trouble transforming the toy (particularly when forming the backpack). This feature is also present in MP Sunstreaker.

According to his bio, Cordon suffers from frequent memory loss, resulting in him being unable to make moral judgments, hoping to cure this glitch, the Autobots have him working community service so he gains a semblance of morality.

Jet Judo pose

Cordon comes with his Isolation Light aka “Cordon Wand”. Supposedly it functions by projecting an electric “cordon” around an area and said “cordon” generates an effect on those who see it, to not to cross the line.

The wand can also be equipped on the wrist directly, as a throwback to the G1 toy’s missile accessory.

Isolation light weapon ability is also present in vehicle mode, albeit it is supposedly not as powerful as the main weapon in robot mode.

Speed Trap Gun

Cordon’s Speed Trap Gun functions the same way as a tractor beam, it slows down the movements of its intended target. The Speed Trap Gun can be stored in his legs.

Stop! You’re under arrest!

With his mold mate, Sunstreaker.

With the other Masterpiece Police Autobots, Prowl and Clamp Down.


Overall, I love this figure!!! I wasn’t really excited to get him since it felt like another needless repaint, but having him in hand now, wow! It really is a solid figure and goes really well with Prowl and Clamp Down. I just wish the price wasn’t so crazy for this (it’s a Takara Tomy Website exclusive). The throwbacks to the G1 toy are there and they’re great. I think I had a better time with this guy more than Sunstreaker (or maybe I’m just partial to cop-themed robots). Easily the best Diaclone Masterpiece figure for me by far.

The coin


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