Transformers Masterpiece MPG-02 Getsuei

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Transformers Masterpiece MPG-02 Getsuei

Same as with MPG-01 Shouki, the set comes with two modular railway sections for the train mode.

The EF65-1000 train mode comes with a pair of pantographs to accurately recreate the train’s look in a real-world setting. The pantographs serve as the electric locomotive’s connection to an overhead power line to collect power to move. Also, it’s cool that the pantographs are actually diecast.

Plugging in the pantographs is a bit tricky, as it has to be specific. So note the alignment of the holes and posts.

EF65-1000 train mode

Getsuei’s Night Laser can be stowed into the back of the train mode.

Similar to Shouki, Getsuei’s wheels are also diecast (I think?).

The set comes with an adaptor piece for plugging in Getsuei to attach it to a display base armature to recreate the “flying train mode”, but said armature only comes with MP-25 Tracks.

As the Trainbot team’s resident “night fighter” operative, Getsuei works best in the dark, silently taking out Decepticons even in the worst visibility conditions. Unfortunately, Getsuei becomes lazy and sluggish during daytime.

Getsuei just bums around during the day time… lol… what?

Getsuei stands roughly 7 inches and weighs 189 Grams.

Diecast parts include:
-Train wheels

When in robot mode, the pantographs don’t have anywhere to go.

Sigh.. .that big gap in the middle of the torso when viewed from the side is just…. yikes.

Soooo much kibble…

Officially, Getsuei’s backpack is meant to be posed horizontally up. I guess this is a homage to the vintage toy? It looks super awkward though. Thankfully, the option to fold it down to make it look more practical is there.

As a leftover function from his combined mode, Getsuei’s torso can tilt to the right. This joint basically comprises Raiden’s right ankle.

Getsuei unfortunately doesn’t have a waist swivel joint.

Getsuei comes with his Night Laser gun.

When not in use the Night Laser can be folded up and stowed away in his back.

Overall, a bit underwhelming. Like the MPG-01, the train mode here is still the best part of the figure. The paint and details for the train mode are the primary concern for Takara with this Masterpiece sub-line (due to sponsorship deals I guess) and it shows. Sadly, that leaves the robot mode with MUCH to be desired, leaving kibble hanging out all over. The worst offender here would have to be the weird torso panel gap you can see from the side. I really hope the succeeding MPG figures will be better…


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