Transformers Masterpiece MPG-06 Trainbot Kaen

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Transformers Masterpiece MPG-06 Trainbot Kaen

Hakuchō DE10 Class diesel train mode

Same as with his brothers, Kaen comes with a train track to rest on. Strangely, his track is the shortest amongst the group.

For toon accuracy, the set comes with an optional plate that you can equip to the front of the train. You will have to remove the plate when you transform Kaen.

For weapon storage, his Power Laser gun can be disassembled and the main gun stored underneath the train mode.

The muzzle and gun stock are then stored in the back end of the train (his left leg).


Physically the strongest of the Trainbots, Kaen likes to run hot. This often puts him at odds with his fellow Trainbot, Yukikaze, who likes to play it cool. Their personalities couldn’t be more different.

Kaen comes with the base adapter for Raiden to connect to the display base.

I can’t say I like the execution for Kaen’s thumb. It really sticks out for me.

For weaponry, Kaen comes with his Power Laser Gun.

Kaen also comes with Raiden’s Laser Sword (which appeared in the 13th episode of the Headmasters series), the sword can be used outside of the combined form by each individual Trainbot, but will drain the Trainbot’s stamina rapidly.

The Power Laser Gun and Laser Sword can be stowed away on Kaen’s backside. But only one a at a time.

Overall, pretty good. We finally now have all six Trainbots so the team is complete! Engineering-wise, I feel Kaen’s more fun to handle compared to the other Trainbots, he looks and feels more solid, without the excess panel placements that was a big eyesore for his teammates.


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