Transformers Movie the Best MB-09 Dinoride Grimlock and Optimus Prime

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Transformers Movie the Best MB-09 Dinoride Grimlock and Optimus Prime

Grimlock is given a proper paint scheme that closer resembles this look in the movie. The toy is based on the Voyager Class version of the character.

Grimlock stands roughly 7.5 inches tall.

He comes with his mace weapon.

Optimus Prime stands roughly 2 inches tall.

He has 7 points of articulation (none in the neck and elbows though). The sword and shield are removable but be careful not to lose them. I opted to put them in a ziploc baggie before returning the accessories to the box to prevent losing the sword.

It wasn’t until I saw this toy that I realized how big the Dinobots were in TF4. Considering Prime is the size of a truck, this would make Grimlock the size of a parking structure?

Prime can be mounted on this peg.

Now we can recreate the epic battle scene of Transformers: Age of Extinction!


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