Transformers Perfect Effect PC-03 parts for Combiner Wars/Unite Wars Superion

Colored instructions? Too bad this isn’t a staple with the line.

The chest piece can be used as a shield part for Silverbolt. Just plug the peg into his forearm screw hole.

Change your Superion from this:
Into this!!!

Optional alternate head.

Removing the default head is a bit hard. But putting the alternate head on is easy.
To attach the chest plate can be a bit confusing. Here’s the WRONG WAY.
Here’s the RIGHT WAY.
The trick is to get the chest plate hinges on Silverbolt to align like so.
The end effect is that it looks a bit “raised” compared to the usual “flat” appearance of the default chest plate.

Perfect Superion!!!!

As a bonus, an alternate face plate is included with the head. Just lift up the chin and then rotate the faces for the “Studio Ox” version-type head.

Now to wish someone makes Superion’s thighs thicker so it doesn’t look too skinny.
