Transformers Power of the Primes Prime Master Wave 1

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Transformers Power of the Primes Prime Master Wave 1
Transformers Power of the Primes Prime Master Liege Maximo with Skullgrin
Transformers Power of the Primes Prime Master Micronus with Cloudburst
Transformers Power of the Primes Prime Master Vector Prime with Metalhawk

Liege Maximo with Skullgrin

Liege Maximo

Liege Maximo is described as a “trickster” on the card. In usual continuity, he’s a master manipulator. He was originally created by Primus as a necessary evil counterpart to the first Prime (Prima) to maintain the balance in the universe. It’s said that Megatron and the Decepticons came from his lineage.

Decoy armor Skullgrin

Weapon mode

Micronus with Cloudburst

Micronus Prime

Micronus allows “power swap” abilities for Transformers. Micronus is the first Mini-con.

Decoy Armor Cloudburst

Weapon mode

Vector Prime with Metalhawk

Vector Prime

Vector Prime can manipulate time and space. His powers include time travel and teleportation.

Decoy Armor Metalhawk

Weapon mode

The full wave 1.


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