Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Supreme Class Devastator

Not a real big wow here, other than the size, the toy is almost non-poseable due to the heft, I’d take Primus or Unicron anyday over this toy.
Despite earlier claims that this toy was 2ft tall, it’s actually only one feet tall.
Disconnecting the Constructicons requires a lot of force, this is something no child should attempt alone I believe.
Even though the robot modes for each Constructicon isn’t included here, the toys still require “add-on” parts. Lazy toy designers..

There are supposed to be 7 constructicons in the movie, but this set only has 6. Go figure.


He’s pretty huge!
Long Haul

High Tower



Overall, a ho-hum toy, no real gimmicks and the transformation is too over-simplified. The limited joints don’t give any decent poses for Devastator either. At least they didn’t put his “scrotum” in there.