Transformers Robot Enhanced Design (R.E.D.) Reformatting Megatron

The lord of destruction and leader of the Decepticons, Megatron is cold, ruthless and near unstoppable! He only desires power, the power to rule over the galaxy as a tyrant, crushing all in his path.
The figure is a straight up redeco of the original Transformers Robot Enhanced Design (R.E.D.) Megatron with deco based on when he was being reformatted by Unicron in the 1986 Transformers movie.
Megatron comes with his Energon Mace, which plugs into his wrist joints.
He also comes with a left hand that’s holding an Energon Cube.
Lastly, Megs comes with an optional pointing left hand.

This set would’ve greatly benefited if Hasbro included some sort of flight stand for it. As is, you’ll have to provide your own. I’m using a third-party display base.

Overall, a terrific redeco! While nothing new has been added in terms of accessories, the deco concept is indeed something that’s never been done before and it works pretty well, particularly if you have the old mass retail Unicrons or the Haslab version. I just wish Hasbro included a display base or something to keep this figure in mid-air, it looks visually way more interesting that way.
