Transformers Siege Battle Masters Wave 4

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Transformers Siege Battle Masters Wave 4



Binary bonded to Double Targetmaster Spinster and Spinster’s partner, Hairsplitter, Singe supposedly joined the Decepticons to slay his rival Galen (the original Headmaster for Cerebros/ Fortress Maximus) for the hand of his beloved, Llyra, daughter of Zarak. The figure is a redeco of Firedrive, with effects pieces from Aimless. He transforms into a dual flamethrower.

Backpack cannon can be removed and equipped in robot mode.

Duo-Charge Electrostatic Photon Cannon mode

I’ll add more photos later on when I open up Spinster (and hopefully Shrute from the Phantomstrike set).


In the IDW comics run, Rung is originally introduced as a Psy-Ops specialist, Rung is later revealed to be actually Primus, the first Transformer. As the result of Primus sacrificing himself to save Cybertron’s populace from an attack by fellow Transformer, Adaptus, Primus’ memories were wiped away. Leaving him unaware of who he is.

Unlike most Targetmasters, Rung’s backpack is NOT removable and cannot be transplanted onto his arm as a weapon.

Cerebral Circuit Scanner mode

While meant to be a weapon mode, this mode is for when Rung starts generating Matrixes, as seen in the IDW comics.


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