Transformers Siege Deluxe Class Chromia

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Transformers Siege Deluxe Class Chromia

In the Siege storyline, she is introduced as the head of Security Operations on Cybertron (mainly because no one liked Prowl). In the G1 mythos she was an “old friend” of Ironhide.

She comes with EMP grenades, which can be connected together.

Her primary weapon is the RT-5 Anti-thermo Blaster.

She also comes with a SR Hushfuze Scope to add on to her Blaster.

The EMP grenades and Hushfuze scope can connect to her blaster to form a longer-barreled weapon.

Lol.. her crotch plate keeps coming off. WTH Hasbro? What’s up with this tooling???

With her “friend”, Ironhide.


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