Transformers Siege Firestormer Battle Pack / Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce 3 pack

Covert Clone
Covert Clone
I’m a bit confused as to how “Covert Clone” fits in with the continuity? Is he supposed to be a “stealth mode” Sideswipe? I guess we’ll find out eventually when they release the rumored Siege Cartoon that’s under development from Netflix coming in 2020.
His manual clearly declares him to Sideswipe too.

W-10 Photo-Pulser Proton Launcher
W-5 Gyro Blaster

Combining both weapons give Sideswipe the RR Gyrofuse Axleswitch Hyper-Blaster.

RR Gyrofuse Axleswitch Hyper-Blaster can be mounted on vehicle mode.
With Sideswipe

Never appearing in the original cartoons, Slamdance only appeared in printed media (Dreamwave and IDW), he is often represented as a journalist and media personality. Originally a pairing of Blaster’s tapes, Grand Slam and Raindance in the G1 toys, this time around, he’s a retool of the Siege Skytread.
This toy is notorious for having a very tight left ankle joint, with reports of parts breaking while still in the box, the best solution is to loosen the screw for the leg before handling the toy (especially when transforming). I was fortunate to get mine intact. But the joint was ridiculously tight.
In the G1 toy, Grand Slam transformed from cassette into a red tank, while Raindance transformed from cassette into a blue jet. Pretty close approximation I think.

HV Electron Breacher
EM24 IR Laser Launcher

Combining both weapons give Slamdance the LRRF Suspension-Ray Super-Launcher
With Skytread

Trenchfoot is a redeco of Caliburst and Blowpipe. Like his mold-mates, his barrel backpack can be removed and reposted on his forearm to give him his own weapon.
Unlike his Takara counterpart, the Hasbro version does not have any knee joints or neck joint in robot mode.
Foxhole Counterblast Cannon mode

Effects parts included

The effects parts can also be equipped onto the Gyrofuse Axleswitch Hyper-Blaster

Firestormer team.
A preliminary title for this set (even says so on the box), “Firestormer Battle Pack” was eventually renamed to “Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce”.
