Transformers Studio Series 86-25 Voyager Class Blaster and Eject

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Transformers Studio Series 86-25 Voyager Class Blaster and Eject

“Decepticon Shuttle Ambush” backdrop.


As the Autobot’s Communications Officer, Blaster’s function is incredibly important when it comes to helping out on the Autobot frontlines. One of the coolest Autobots that has his own sense of style, Blaster is a lover of all Earth music. He REALLY loves Rock N’ Roll the most and can play it all day long (much to the consternation of most of his fellow Autobots). He and Soundwave share a fierce anonymity of each other, always ready to send their respective mini-cassette teams to fight it out in battle.

The figure is a redeco of the War For Cybertron: Siege Blaster but in cartoon-accurate deco.

The new deco covers up Blaster’s chest window, so you can no longer see inside, making the placement of any Cassettetrons unncessaary.

Blaster comes with his Electro-Scrambler Gun.

Blaster’s Electro-Scrambler Gun can be mounted on the back of his robot mode. Officially, this is how it’s supposed to go….

… But I prefer it this way.

I didn’t have time to dig out the Siege version, but here’s what it looks like. The Studio Series 86 version definitely captures the cartoon colors better.

Same as with the bot mode, the alt mode uses the same peg to mount the Electro-Scrambler Gun.

Eject. Eject!


A certified sports fanatic, Eject loves cluttering sports cliches into his speech patterns. Ever always listening to any and all radio chatter regarding sports, Eject’s proclivities tend to get in the way of his surveillance assignments.

The figure is a “solid plastic” redeco of the previously released Eject figure that came with Kingdom Blaster.

Again, a better version over what came before.

Same as before, Eject doesn’t come with his “Electrical Overload Guns”.

“Decepticon Shuttle Ambush” Backdrop

Overall, definitely better than the previously released versions. The cartoon-accurate deco on Blaster, as well as the solid plastic pieces on Eject make a world of difference. It’s really hard to find a reason to keep the original Kingdom version after getting this one. Sigh…

This figure was released as a Target Exclusive in the US, as well as some units being made available on Hasbro Pulse.


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