Transformers Studio Series 86-30 Leader Class Springer
As usual, some of the figure’s accessories are taped to the back of his tray. Be careful not to toss them out.
“Battle of Autobot City” backdrop
A sharp-witted bot of action, Springer always remains calm in the heat of battle. Highly dependable, optimistic and brave, Springer could always be counted on to ride in and save the day while making solid wise-cracks, like something out of an 1980’s action movie. As one of the few Autobots that can fly, Springer’s main function is to provide Aerial Defense for the Autobot team.
The figure is a heavy retool of the War for Cybertron: Siege Voyager Class Springer. Changes have been to done to his head, chest, back, arms, as well as the addition of angled shoulder pads.
While it’s never mentioned or shown in the cartoons, Springer actually gets his name from his ability to “spring-jump” long distances through the battlefield with the retro thrusters in his legs.
Unlike the Siege version, this version of Springer now has opening hands.
Springer’s right forearm features a concealed blaster, to recreate his first scene in the 1986 movie.
Springer comes with the same guns he came with from the Siege line. Namely, the JF-10 Warp Blaster and C-10 EM Void Blast Capacitor.
Both guns combine to form the “D.E.W. Mega Missile Launcher”
W-10 Airslice Chopper Blades
According to his G1 bio, “Springer’s helicopter blade transforms into a light saber that can cut through concrete”. Hmm.. all I remember of it was it was a solid sword in the 1986 movie.
Aside from his chopper blades, the set also comes with a sword that Springer used in his battle against the Junkions in the movie.
For more fun, Springer comes with the “catapult missile” he launched at Devastator in the big battle sequence in the 1986 movie.
To get Springer to hold the missile, you’ll have to open up his hands and try to plug his thumb into the canal in back of the missile.
Also included is Springer’s rifle as seen from scenes from the 1986 movie.
Lastly, as a bonus accessory, Springer comes with an all-new hammer accessory from the Wreck ‘N Rule collection line.
All of his gear can be pegged into his back two at a time for storage.
Some of Springer’s weapons can be mounted on top in the vehicle mode.
With the “Battle of Autobot City” backdrop
Overall, pretty good. It’s a huge improvement over the original Siege release. I love the improvements a lot. I just wish they kept him as a Voyager Class release and not charge the insane “Leader Class” price tag. The improvements to screen accuracy, while nice, don’t justify the double price jump IMHO.
I also find the use of a Leader Class box for a Voyager Class figure somewhat really wasteful. That’s a LOT of empty space there. Oh, Hasbro…